
We all know what ginger is. In Cantonese cuisine, ginger is one of the most commonly used aromatics, even preferred to garlic. Their favorite aromatic combination is ginger with green…

Thai basil

I use it in Thai cooking and for San Bei Chicken. We don’t use Thai basil as often in Singapore. If you have a yard, this is one of the…

Star Anise

Star anise or star aniseed has a strong licorice essence. A popular ingredient for braising chicken and meat, and for soups, it is usually combined with peppercorn and a stick…


This spice needs no introduction. A whiff of it conjures the most delicious baked goods for us–cinnamon buns, apple pies, pumpkin pies, cookies and Christmas. In these desserts we usually…

Curry powder

    Curry powder is not one spice but a blend and mixture of several spices including galangal, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cardamom, star anise, chili and fennel. In…


Candlenut, or buah keras, is used to thicken sauce. It has no identifiable flavor. Candlenuts look almost identical with macadamian nuts, which can be use as a substitute. In Singapore…


Similar to ginger, galangal has a sweeter fragrance and is not as spicy.  Ginger is hot and more pungent flavor. They look identical but the galangal flesh is whiter, while…