
An orange rhizome that is about the size of  a finger, it is the spice that gives curry its rich color. A member of the ginger family, this root has…


  Extremely fragrant, we put lemongrass in curries, poached and braised, fish, pork and chicken. It is also pounded and combined with other spices. It is also used for medicinal…


  Tamarind used in cooking comes from the flesh of the tamarind pod, shown above. Unlike fresh tamarind, which can be quite sweet–the one above wasn’t–the ingredient tamarind or assam…

Curry leaves

Such a strange name for this leaf. The leaves don’t taste like curry, and the tree doesn’t produce curry. It’s neither spicy, nor fragrant. I rubbed the leaves and had…

Kaffir leaves

Kaffir leaves or kaffir lime leaves are easily identifiable by its double, figure 8 shaped leaves.  Used for its delicate, fragrant, lemony flavor, it’s their perfume you smell in Thai…